
What Kind Of Stoma Bag Do I Need?

2019-04-24 18:04:20


Those with a colostomy usually wear closed stoma bags. The stool is generally well formed and the stoma bag will be changed once or twice a day, depending on how much waste is produced. Some colostomates, who have had surgery carried out higher up the large bowel, use drainable bags as their stools may be looser. CliniMed offers a range of closed stoma bags and drainable stoma bags. 


Those with an ileostomy usually wear drainable stoma bags. The output is generally of a porridge-like consistency, and is emptied several times per day through an outlet at the bottom of the bag. CliniMed offers a range of drainable stoma bags.


Those with a urostomy will wear a urostomy bag, which has an outlet or tap at the bottom through which the urine is emptied several times per day. At night, most urostomates connect the urostomy bag to a night drainage bag. CliniMed offers a range of urostomy bags. The CliniMed Careline team , who are knowledgeable about bags of all brands, can help talk you through the best options for your particular needs.